The many roads to cancer…

Jim Morrison 💛
2 min readJun 29, 2023


What a surprise — aspartame is bad for you.

When are we going to learn?

When are we going to learn that there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch?

When are we going to learn that moderation isn’t such a bad thing?

We don’t actually #need to be drinking sweet fizzy drinks, guilt free, every five minutes.

We don’t really need the super-sized gas guzzling SUV or the bottled water or unlimited streaming, all-you-can-eat, bottomless, sugar-free success.

We have not earned it. We are not worth it.

We are being farmed. Like lambs to the slaughter.

Fed with tasty ideas, fake sugar, endless seasons of other people’s fantastical lives and ideas of success and purpose so shallow and vacuous that the influencer fraternity that profit from our hubris and greed are suffering such bouts of obesity, depression, sackings or even criminal repercussion that it’s hard to know from one minute to the next who’s cool and who’s cruel.

While the world around us burns and once-proud cities are enveloped in smoke we drill for more, consume more, sell more, eat more and destroy more than ever before.

And for why?

When did the economy become the chalice and profit of all humanity?

Stop eating and drinking aspartame and its proxies. Stop being part of the process of processed foods, processed drinks and processed lives.

Stop, not because in the end all excess leads to cancer but because it’s symptomatic of the the dull, consumerist, addicted, brow-beaten lives that we all live at the alter of gross economic productivity.

Go outside. Plant something. Walk somewhere. Speak face to face.

Find enjoyment in what’s real — real food, real people, real ideas and real lives.

Stop being a unit of someone else’s economics.

Slow down.

Find joy.

… and for pity’s sake — just do more with less.

Composite from the article cited below.

If you want to know more about the story that lead to this little rant, here’s a summary from Charlie:



Jim Morrison 💛
Jim Morrison 💛

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